Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CPW #2- Boarding Call

The following column was posted at

Hey kids.

Not much time to talk, as the flight to Los Angeles is about to take off, but I was just surfing the web, and I just happened to notice that David Anderson's gone running his mouth all over again. So, I'm gonna take a couple minutes to rebut it.

The sum of David's argument is that I'm a fat asshole.

Really? This is supposed to be fucking news to me?

I'm not an honorable person, I'm a cuthroat wrestling manager who's trying his hand in the ring for the first time. You want honorable, look at the wrestlers I manage, not at me.

Yeah look at my history, dumbass. I dumped a truck full of shit on a girl because she annoyed me. I hired snipers to stand in the balcony, and shoot my opponents with tranquilizer darts so I could win what few matches I've ever been in.

You know, I was trying to get away from that. I was trying to do this the right way, get a little competition, and maybe even get some exercise. But when I see a moronic twat like David Anderson go around acting like he has a clue, well, its go time.

And don't you fucking dare turn it around and say I don't respect the military. I have plenty of respect for the boys in uniform, and the sacrifices they make.

Where my respect ends, is when drunken dishonorable discharges try to coast on it for respect, when they haven't done anything respectable in years.

So David, here's what's going to happen. I'll use little words so your booze addled jarhead brain can understand it.

I. Am. Going. To. Beat. The. Shit. Out. Of. You.

There, nuff said.

And I don't care how much energy you think I'm going to have, I'll have enough to smear your blood all over Los Angeles.

I also have respect for flight attendants, and they're closing the cabin door, and telling me to shut this laptop off. So I'm going to.

Until then POLLA OUT.


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