Monday, August 12, 2013

EPISODE 220: All-In, Part 1

From the private journal of Wendy Briese


Saturday night was weird.

It was obvious that however Isabella wanted to go out, it was going to be after she got every single violent, cheating impulse she posessed out of her system.  I had never been in a match where the cheating was that blatant, that frequent, from the opening bell to the final one.  It left me a bloody wreck... a victorious bloody wreck to be sure, but a bloody wreck nonetheless. 

And yet, when it was all said and done, there she stood in the middle of the ring, waving to the fans as they chanted “Thank You Bella.”  Here’s this woman, one of the most hated wrestlers in FFW history, going out like a hero despite wrestling her final match with the same disregard for the rules or any sense of human decency she’s always displayed. 

And the weirdest thing of all... it seemed so fitting.  For two years I was incensed every time she hit someone else with that stupid bell hammer of hers, but at Unstoppable, when my turn came, and the match was over... I found myself strangely unbothered.  It was just Isabella Pazzini being Isabella Pazzini, for one last time.  How can I be upset about that, when it was so ultimately... fitting?

And so another chapter in the FFW history books is closed, and I hope that her epilogue is a happy one.  Isabella’s never struck me as someone who’s lived a very joyful life, and I hope now that she has her husband, she finds what she’s been looking for all these years.

But for me, my place in wrestling history is still being written.  I have much more to write before my own story is told, and it’s time for me proverbially break out the pen.  Isabella Pazzini is gone.  The Power Trip is dissolved.  Samantha Star has become strangely... amiable since her return. 

And my next goal is clear.

The Femme For All is coming up, and already I’m hearing the speculation.  Of course my name is being tossed into the prospective brackets, and a lot of them are even tipping me as the favorite.  And yet, hearing that talk, I almost get upset about it.  It’s strange, I know.

I just beat Isabella Pazzini.  I beat Katherine Stryfe in my second match back.  I helped my team beat Scarlett Kincaid at the Anniversary show (by count-out, I know).  And if I get my way, I’ll be beating Emma MacNamara in Portugal.  Four former Champions defeated in less than four months.

If that doesn’t merit me getting an FFW title shot, I don’t know what does!

But how do I do it?  How do I go about telling the world that I deserve to be ONE match away from the FFW Championship, not four?  How do I show that if Shane Sanders and Desirae Kain can get a shot, why not me? Because demanding title shots rarely goes over well in any company in any capacity.  In FFW?  For the best title in the land?  It’s a bad mistake.

But I refuse to meekly accept my fate anymore.  To sit on the sideline and smile and shrug every time I’m passed over.  I did that in PWX, and it cost me.  I did that in CCW, and it cost me.  I did that in NGWA, and it cost me.  I’m not going to be pushy, or a bully, but I will be assertive.  There’s a happy medium in there somewhere, and I need to find it, and fast.

This past week has made me more than aware of my own mortality and age, and the fact that my own time remaining is far less than the others in this company.  I need to make my move now.  I can’t afford to wait any longer.

But ultimately, I can only control what I can control.  And I can’t control the minds of Mr. Kincaid and Ms. Star, only influence them through my ring work.  And if I haven’t influenced them enough to merit an outright shot, and must go through the Femme For All again, then so be it.  But that also means the focus I have to have for Emma needs to be greater than ever.  Yes, this is the woman who betrayed me and my friends nearly a year ago.  Yes, this is the woman who battered me with a tire iron repeatedly and left me for dead in that ring.  Yes, this is the woman who, when she found out I was seriously injured, bemoaned that it wasn’t worse.  But this is also one of the best wrestlers in this company, and a former FFW Champion in her own right. 

Which is why my showdown with her is more than a rivalry.

More than a grudge match.

More than payback.

It’s an Audition. 

Sunday July 28, 2013
George Bush Intercontinental Airport- Lefty’s Lone Star Grille
Houston, Texas
10:13 AM Local Time

“So, how does it feel?” Wendy Briese asked as she took a sip of her orange juice, looking across the table at the woman she had been fighting in the ring only ten hours prior.  She hadn’t truly expected Isabella to return the message she had left on her locker room door after the event, and couldn’t believe she was here eating with her.  But there was no time like the present to iron things out now that...

She couldn’t believe it was all over for the woman who had been her biggest foil in the two years she had spent in FFW.

“Calm... quiet I suppose. Today was the first time I got up, and realized I didn’t have to train. It... it felt nice I suppose. But last night... last night was special. The reaction of the fans... it made me know that, for everything I’ve done, the last seven years were not a waste.” Isabella’s demeanour was difficult to read, but she seemed cheerful and friendly enough. In some ways, it was almost hard to believe she was the same woman who had terrorized FFW for so long.

“If you felt it was a waste, then why did you do it?” Wendy asked quietly.

“Ha!” Isabella chuckled. “All I ever wanted was to be remembered. Way back in the day, I never guaged myself on how many titles I won or how many matches I won. I cared about how my matches were recieved. I wanted to be an entertainer. Somewhere... somewhere I think I lost sight of that goal. But then I realized it last night. The stunts I pulled... the things I did... it probably did more for me than thousands of great matches. I was the one everyone wanted to see lose. People would sell out arenas for the chance to see me get embarrassed and humiliated. So as selfish as I was... I guess maybe I worked towards my original goal all along.” She smiled. “Funny how that works out in the long run.”

“It is.  I honestly still don’t understand why after all that, the fan’s cheered you...”  Wendy said bluntly.  “But I suppose, in the end, I don’t have to.  I just hope that when my time comes, my send off is just as grand.  Or at least better than the one I got the first time I retired,” she grinned.

“You’ll do fine, I’m sure. You’ve done as much in your career as I have.” Isabella smiled at her. “You know, I used to be like you. Perhaps not quite as stuffy...” She laughed. “But essentially a good person. Violetta Flaherty & I used to be part of a tag team called the Respect Revolution, you know. Pioneering for more respect in wrestling, for an end to the incessant name calling and bullying that goes on. But a certain individual got in my ear, rubbed my ego... and from that point onwards I pretty much became what you see to this day. It makes me wonder. If it wasn’t for that individual... what would have happened to me? What would have happened to the last three years of my career?”

“You had a chance to find out,”  Wendy reminded her, not quite able to keep the bitterness from her voice.

“I did. But things were different by that point. By that point, Samantha was running the show. And you saw what happened to me. I was a nobody for those six to eight months.” Isabella shook her head. “Samantha’s not a bad person you know, Wendy. She looks out for those she cares about. The trouble is... she holds grudges. And is ruthless. She’ll step on anyone’s head to get what she wants. And believe me, it’s a lot more pleasant stepping on heads than being stepped on.” She sighs. “I don’t really have much of a moral compass, I know. I understand I’ve hurt a lot of people in this business. But now... I’m not in the business anymore. It means I’ll be able to devote a lot more time to the Foundation, and maybe start rebalancing my karmic debt after all these years.”

“I know.  I know what it feels like to be stepped on.  And believe me, I’ve heard the siren’s call too, from time to time.   But I...”  Wendy stopped herself.  It wasn’t going to do her any good to preach and berate now.  She took a deep breath, and forced a smile.  “I hope whatever you do, Isabella, you’re happy.  Truly happy.”

“I am. For now. It’s like a weight has been lifted. ...Thank you, Wendy.”

“So what are you going to do now?”  Wendy asked, breaking into a smile.  “Now that you suddenly have so much free time.”

“The foundation will be a priority. As well as investing more time in my label; Samantha got me a great new opportunity in Los Angeles, so I can get my name out there. I’ll have plenty to do, don’t worry about that. This isn’t one of these three month retirements. It’s over.” There was perhaps a tinge of sadness in her voice as she said that, but she smiled regardless.

“Three months, maybe not.  But five years... you never know..” Wendy grinned self-deprecatingly.  “A label... like a record label?  All you’ll need is a movie studio, and you’ll rival Crystal Hil-”

“Fashion label. Believe me, nobody wants to hear me sing.” Isabella laughed. “Then again, no-one wants to hear Crystal sing, so maybe I do rival her in that respect!!!”

Wendy laughed, and shook her head.  “Well, I’ll suppose I’ll stick to singing.  I tried designing a costume once for a play... my seamstress fell off her chair laughing.”  She grinned.  “Well, whatever I can do to help your Foundation, let me know.  It’s a worthy cause to be sure.”

“Of course. Some things are bigger than wrestling rivalries.” She nods. “For what it’s worth... I don’t hate you, Wendy. I admire you in many ways for having principles. We may be polar opposites in the ring, but... well, that doesn’t matter anymore. I really hope you achieve everything you set your heart to.”

“Thanks,” Wendy said quietly.  “And for what it’s worth... when you’re not cheating or completely trying to beat in skulls or end careers or playing Power Trip Games... you’re actually a pretty good person yourself.”

“Thank you.” Isabella took the compliment for what it was.

Wendy checked her watch, grimacing.  “Shoot, I better go,” she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her wallet.  “My flight to Jersey is boarding in fifteen minutes.  My treat today,” she said, stopping as Isabella was going for her own purse.

“Okay. Thank you again.” Isabella smiled. “I enjoyed our little chat.” She stood up, and gave Wendy a warm handshake.

“I enjoyed it too,” Wendy said.  “It’s nice to smooth some things over once in a while.  I’d hate to think we’ll all end up bitter sixty year olds because of what we did to each other during our careers.”

“Life’s too short. I don’t want to leave this business with enemies.” She smiled at her once more. “Goodbye Wendy. Have a nice flight.”

“Thanks, Bella.  And thanks for talking to me.  You have a good flight too.”  And picking up her purse, she took a deep breath, and headed towards her gate.

Nothing lasts forever. 

Even hatred.

No, especially hatred.

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