Tuesday, February 22, 2011

EPISODE 82: Fruitless

Monday February 22, 2011
The RV- Main Cabin
Albuquerque, New Mexico
3:25 PM Local Time

“Yes, thank you. I understand. Goodbye.”

With a sigh, I flipped off my phone, and stuck it in my purse. I then rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to get read of the headache I felt coming on. The past week had been hell. Terrence had gotten out of the hospital, only to discover that the cold weather had cracked the water pipes in the RV, and we had to take it to a shop to repair it while staying at a hotel.

Of course, that paled in comparison to the emotional rollercoast I’d been on since Revelations went off the air. On one hand, I was ecstatic about becoming the X3W World Champion, but that feeling was overshadowed by the fear I had felt when Ariel had been kidnapped. Having no success to garner so much of a clue about her whereabouts was leaving me drained.

“What did they say?” Terrence asked from beside me, looking up from the copy of NASCAR Weekly he was reading.

“They’ll ‘keep an eye out for anything suspicious’.” I replied slinking back against the couch we were seated on. My voice was devoid of much optimism, and I knew it. “You’d think the police would take more interest in this,” I said. Despite it happening on national television in the middle of an arena, the Dallas police couldn’t have been bothered to lift a finger to look for Ariel, and the Albuquerque police weren’t proving to be anymore helpful. “It’s almost as if kidnapping isn’t even a crime!”

“It’s the way it is,” Terrence replied, shrugging. “Cops never get involved when it comes to pro-wrestling. And after that Kristi Hughes red-herring bullshit, who could blame them?”

I sighed again, and looked up at the RV’s ceiling. “I know. But I’m scared, Terrence. For Ariel.”

Terrence nodded, and shut his magazine, setting it on the side. “I can’t blame you, hon. I know what it feels like.”

“I know, Terry,” I replied, smiling slightly. “And you’ve been great helping me through all this. I just wish I knew who DID it...”

“You guys honestly have no idea?” I looked up at Pollaski, who had just re-entered the RV, walking towards me. He was putting on a mock-thinking pose, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Let’s see here... who do we know that resorts to kidnapping and other such acts to get his-”

“No.” I interrupted, although the mere thought that Victor Mandrake might be involved made my blood run cold. “It’s not Mandrake. He’d have made himself known from the get-go, and laughed at the reaction on my face.”

“So you hope,” Pollaski fired back, looking at me skeptically.

“So I know.” I shot back determinedly. “Look, I don’t even know if the kidnapper’s after me. He could be after Szalinski for all we know. Lord knows that man’s made enough enemies to last a lifetime.”

Both my husband and manager nodded, although neither looked particularily convinced. I didn’t care. I was certain that whoever had dragged Shadows out the door, it wasn’t any of the ‘usual suspects’ who had caused me grief in my life. It was a thought that was both daunting and reassuring. On one hand, considering the likes of people I had dealt with in the past, knowing it wasn’t them was a blessing. On the other hand, the unknown was just as terrifying, and the thought that Ariel could be in the hands of someone even worse couldn’t quite be surpressed.

“Well, I know one thing,” Terrence broke into my thoughts. “Theresa isn’t going anywhere NEAR that arena this week.”

That news surprised me, and I snapped my head over to look at Terrence. “Why?”

“Because that place is far from safe right now,” Terrence replied, looking at me dead seriously. “I’m getting jumped from behind. People are getting kidnapped. No way in HELL is that a place for our daughter. I’ve half a mind to keep you out of there, too.”

“Go ahead and try that, Terrence, and tell me how that works out for you.” I snapped back, annoyed at my husband’s sudden overprotectiveness. But as I thought about my daughter, sleeping in the other room, I realized that he did have a point.

“We don’t exactly broadcast where we stay when we park our RV,” Terrence continued, ignoring my outburst. “So we keep Theresa and Cassie here, and keep a low profile. This way, if anymore stupid motherfuckers decide to get froggy, we’ll at least have our daughter out of harm’s way.”

I finally nodded. “We’ll do that. If anything, it’ll ease my nerves about keeping her safe.” I abruptly stood up, and looked over at my manager. “What time did we have the ring?”

“Four,” Pollaski replied, stifling a yawn, and checking his watch. “You better go get ready. Can’t have the champion losing to a newcomer. Especially a nutjob like Queenie McPsychopants over there.”

I rose from my chair, but I turned a dark look at my manager as I did so. For his part, Pollaski put on an innocent expression, and spread his arms wide. “What? She hears the voices in her head!”

Terrence, suddenly smirking, looked over at Pollaski. “They counsel her, and understand.”

Pollaski grinned back. “They talk to her!”

If looks could kill, I would have become a widow at that very moment.

For their part, Terrence and Pollaski merely grinned back at me, and shrugged. “I’m going to go get ready,” I muttered, turning to head towards the bedroom to get my workout clothes. Even as I did, I could hear Pollaski and Terrence snickering, and I could only shake my head in bemusement.

Monday February 22, 2011
The RV- Main Cabin
Albuquerque, New Mexico
7:13 PM Local Time

[Nothing too special with the setting, just Wendy Briese sitting on her RV’s couch, looking at the camera. There’s a small smile there, but a lot of sadness in her eyes, as she sighs before speaking.]

“I think this week has taught me the true meaning of the word ‘bittersweet’.”

[Wendy’s smile widens a bit, although she’s nowhere near beaming]

“On one hand, I’ve finally done it. I finally got a shot at a singles title, and I took advantage of it. I’m the X3W World Champion, the first time I’ve ever been able to refer to myself as such. It was such a great honor to win, especially over a great competitor like Jeremy, and I hope that I can fulfill my duties as champion adequately.”

“Now, I know there was some controversy about Ariel Shadow’s involvement during the match. I’ll go on the record as saying that there was nothing in place between Ariel and I before the contest- her actions during that match were completely without my knowledge. In fact, it wasn’t until after the contest was over, when I saw the replay, that I realized just what had happened. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m against interference in matches, and I do find the situation regrettable.”

[Wendy sighs, and a catch enters her voice]

“However, I don’t believe Ariel had any intention of swaying the outcome of that match one way or another, nor do I believe she did. I think Ariel was just merely trying to help a friend who she felt was in danger, and trying to keep her beloved from doing something he’d regret. Considering all the events that were transpiring at the time, I can’t fault her for doing what she did.”

[Wendy sighs again, and shakes her head, her voice now about to break]

“But oh, God, do I wish she had stayed at ringside.”

[Wendy pauses for a while, and reaches up once to wipe just below her eyes on either side of her face. She then takes a deep breath, steadying breath. When she looks at the camera, her face has taken on a harder, almost angry edge]

“Whoever kidnapped Ariel Shadows is a coward, and unfit to share a compost pile with worms. I believe this kidnapping was out of some attempt at revenge against Szalinski for some past misdeed, but whoever did it needs to have the guts to confront Jeremy directly, instead of grabbing his girlfriend from the back.”

“Whoever did this, I don’t care who you are. Please, for everyone’s sake, let Ariel go, and come clean about who you are, and why you did it. There’s better ways to make your point. But if Ariel Shadows isn’t free by the beginning of Shatterpoint on Tuesday, I swear on my mother’s grave that I WILL find out who did this, and that person WILL face retribution for any harm that came to my friend.”

[Wendy glares into the camera, her voice promising every word.]

“Unfortunately, Ariel’s kidnapping wasn’t the only tragedy to befall Revelations last Sunday. The actions of Kristi Hughes were reprehensible, and I’m so sorry that Kris Keebler was put through such a psychological roller coaster for her own sick amusement. And of course, the disruption of the Pre-Main Event was a letdown to everyone, and the dismissal of Thatcher Rex was a shock to us all.”

[Wendy pauses for a second, as if debating whether or not its something she oughta comment on]

“Everyone else is weighing in on this, so I might as well throw my two cents in too. If Thatcher Rex used performance-enhancing drugs, then his termination was just. I’ve always feared that the epidemic of drug usage in professional wrestling will be the inevitable downfall of the sport, and I applaud promoters who take a stand on the matter.”

[Wendy pauses again, and this time, she sounds a little more confident about what she’s saying]

“But something about this just isn’t right. Rex passed a police test just a few weeks ago, and also passed a test in the Championship Wrestling Council. Given the circumstances, I think Mr. Talinsdale probably overreacted, and I think he should allow Thatcher to have a re-test to prove his innocence.”

“But I don’t think anyone can rule out the emergence of this woman, this Theresa, as part of the downfall of Thatcher. Even watching on television from my dressing room, I found this woman’s presence ominious and threatening. When I found out I was to face her this week, I tried to find what little information there was on her.”

[Small smile]

“Luckily, my manager is one heck of a researcher, and he managed to get a little data on this woman. Apparently, she was institutionalized by her family after her father’s death, and now that she’s been released, she’s taken to seeking revenge on her brother.”

“I know Thatcher Rex has hardly been a saint over the years, and I know he’s made his share of enemies, but I’m left wondering... what could possess someone to where they would have such utter hatred for their own sibling? Their own flesh and blood? Can you tell me, Theresa? What can cause you to spoil one of the most precious bonds a human being can have?”

[Wendy’s again looking into the camera, although this time, there is somewhat pleading in her eyes]

“Please, tell me. Because it’s just something I can’t understand...”


“For twenty-two years of my life, I never knew I had a brother. Well, half-brother, born to my father’s Ukranian mistress before my own mother became pregnant with me. His name’s Yuri, and he and his mother lived in relative poverty on the outskirts of Kiev, while I grew up in relative opulance in New York. Near as I can gell, my father always led Ivana on that he would leave my mother and marry her, and when he didn’t, she harbored immense feelings of hatred towards my mother. Somehow, that hatred jumped generations, and Yuri grew to hate me as well.”

“Yuri tried on several occasions to kill me. Obviously, he failed, and he will likely never have another opportunity, because he’s in jail for the rest of his life for his role in the death of my mother.”

[Wendy’s voice catches again, and she pauses again, catching her breath and collecting her thoughts]

“But how could all that have been possibly worth it? Yuri tried to wreck my life, and in some ways, he succeeded. And as a result, he will wake up every morning in a cell, and will never taste freedom for the rest of his life. Is that what you want, Theresa? Will it all be worth it?”

[Wendy sits up a little straighter, and leans towards the camera]

“Because if you say yes, then while that asylum may have released you, you were never free.”

“You now have an opportunity to forge a new beginning for yourself. A fresh slate, if you will. And now you’re going to throw it all away for some sick attempt at a revenge. Do you know who else did that, Theresa? Madman Szalinski. He was more focused on other people’s misery than he was his own happiness, and what happened to him? Do you really want to repeat that tragedy?”

[Wendy shakes her head sadly]

“The worst part is, that you’re a beautiful woman, Theresa, albeit an eerie one. And you have a beautiful name, one that I christened my own daughter with. But I can already tell that beneath that facade lies an ugly woman, and it pains me to think that a person such as you has sullied my daughter’s name.”

[A little anger there in her voice, and she sits up a bit straighter]

“But I doubt you care. You probably hear very little outside your own delusions, and I doubt there is any reasoning to be had with you. So I guess all there is for me to do is to step in that ring with you, and show you that as weak as you think I am, there’s an inner strength inside me that the likes of you could never overcome.”

“Theresa, if you think you can just walk into this company and beat me, well, you are more than welcome to try. And if your ultimate goal is to completely destroy your brother, then I’m more than willing to stand in your way, both for your sake and his. But I’ll warn you, Theresa.”

[A small, grim smile]

“Breaking through is going to be a lot harder than you think.”