Thursday, June 23, 2011

EPISODE 106: Preshow Shootout

Thursday June 9, 2011
Staples Center- Briese Locker Room
Los Angeles, California
5:44 PM Local Time

[The scene opens up in a locker room inside the Staples Center, where Wendy Briese is sitting on a chair. She’s not in her ring gear yet- bell time is still a couple hours away. She doesn’t look as cheery, more annoyed if anything else]

“You know, I have to hand it to Colleen. It’s not often that I decide to film a response this close to match time, but watching her words earlier today, I have to admit, what she said got to me. It’s not often that happens.”

“I don’t know why it’s affected me. Probably because when I came into FFW, Colleen was one of the people I looked forward the most to facing. Again, not out of animosity, but out of respect. See, I felt that if there was anyone in this company that I was anything alike, it was Colleen. I know, most of you probably think it’s a ludicrous thing to say- Colleen are I are nothing alike, right? On the surface? Maybe not, but you look deeper down...”

“We both want the same things in that ring I think. We both value our performance in competition more than we do any social standing in the cliques backstage. We both want to be the best we can be, we both want to go as high as we can possibly get. And we both want to do it the right way. We abhor interference, we don’t like gimmick matches, because we think they compromise the integrity of our sport. It’s not a common position to take this day and age, and I respect her for that.”

[Wendy, pauses and grimaces, before sighing]

“The thing is, I don’t think Colleen WANTS to be respected. I think she’d much rather go through life with that chip on her shoulder, thinking everyone’s looking down on her for whatever reason she can concoct. I’m sure its an effective mindset. It’s a lot easier to inflict pain on someone when you feel they deserve it, that’s for sure. But, God. It’s got to lead to a really, really lonely life.”

“Colleen, have you ever once considered that maybe you’d be treated a little bit better backstage if you weren’t so darned abrasive to everyone?”

“No one- NO ONE is underestimating your toughness or ability, Colleen. I don’t regard you as an easy win, and anyone who does is a fool. But your attitude- it leaves a LOT to be desired. That profanity laden rant is someone I’d more expect from a petulant child like Rori Snyder, not an accomplished professional such as yourself.”

[Wendy shakes her head, and looks to the side]

“I noticed that you pointed out that I haven’t accomplished anything in FFW yet. Believe me, Colleen, there isn’t a person in this company that’s more aware of that than I am. Why do you think I’ve been practically salivating over this match ever since Mr. Kincaid announced it? Because this is the first chance I truly have to show that I can hang with the upper-echelon in FFW. I want to make the most of it.”

“You need to pay attention Colleen. I don’t doubt that your team is capable of cooperating, but the fact of the matter is, either of these trios are a couple of blown tempers and bruised egos away from completely collapsing. It may not be you who’s the problem, and I hope to God it’s not me, but the reality is there. Your team’s history is rife with your members being at odds with each other, and my team’s future is the same scenario. I don’t think my words reminded you, Undine or Robbyn of anything- I doubt all that’s been forgotten.”

[Wendy pauses for another second, and actually chuckles.]

“It is ironic, however, that you seem to look at me as the illusion of perfection, when I have a teammate who’s devoted herself to reminding the world every chance she gets about her own supposed impeccability. I suppose I should be flattered that your perception of me is so pure. But I think the problem lies with your vision, not with me.”

“Here’s the thing Colleen, I’m not perfect. I’ve never claimed to be, and if you’ve spent a single day with me, you’d figure that out real quick. I’ve done a lot of things in my life I regret, and some of them were today. Heck, I just locked my husband out of the Staples Center for thirty minutes because he sent an unflattering picture of me to the FFW Production, supposedly as a joke.”

“It’s about ninety degrees outside, so I doubt he’s laughing anymore. But that was kind of petty.”

[Wendy actually smiles at that. Schadenfreude, yo!]

“As for my manager...”

[Wendy pauses, and bites her lower lip, before shrugging]

“I’ve said it before; Pollaski’s a good guy, and I consider him a friend. And maybe I let him have a little more leeway than I ought to. He does let his mouth get away from him on the occasion, I can’t argue with that. And I don’t know if you noticed, Colleen, but the attention that Pollaski’s actions tend to bring me is the kind of attention I’d be better off not having.”

“But I suppose that’s something I’ve learned to deal with, to the point where it’s pretty much stopped bothering me. All relationships, whether its personal, business, marriage, whatever- they have a price, and they have a benefit. And when it comes to Pollaski, the occasional headache, believe it or not, is worth having him as a friend, a confidante, and a manager. Pollaski’s earned his keep more than enough times over throughout the years. If you don’t like him, by all means, you’re hardly the first. But please do me a favor, and don’t question MY integrity for associating with him, until you know just who he really is, and just who I really am.

“But since we’re throwing mud now, here’s some for you. Are you any better? I’ve seen your manager on Twitter several times, complaining about your match assignments, most recently this very match, while you’ve remained quiet. I also recall hearing something about you landing on Ms. Star’s bad side several months ago, after complaining about a match you were involved in. Now you have your manager do it for you, seemingly to deflect the ire of our boss away from you. The difference seems to be, when my manager and I disagree, I’ll at least come out publicly and say it.”

[Wendy checks her watch, and stands up from her chair, walking slowly over to a small table, upon which her bag sits.]

“It’s almost time, Colleen. Despite your words earlier, I think that there’s a lot about you to be admired. I just don’t think you yourself know what it is, and you’d be a lot happier a person if you figured it out. There’s nothing wrong with optimism. There’s nothing wrong with trying to see the best in a situation, or a person. Attitude counts for everything this world, even with us professional wrestlers. Because as much as we train, as much as we spend travelling, doing promo work, living this hard life... there has to be something else for us. Something that we can look forward to once the final bell has rung.”

“Imagine you were injured tonight, Colleen. It’s not a threat- just an observation. One mistep, one botched hold, and suddenly, your MCL is torn, or something along those lines. What will you have then? That’s the main difference between you and I, Colleen. I have an answer to that question.”

[Wendy sighs, and for a second, she looks amost sad]

“For your sake, I hope you find one, too.”


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