MAY 12, 2010
“What, HOW?” Cassie DeSlair yelled as the chorus of boos reigned down from the Sin City Wrestling crowd over the ending to the match they had just seen. “She didn’t want him to interfere!”
“Doesn’t matter!” Pollaski yelled back, as in the ring, a woman, now the loser of the match due to a disqualification, argued with the referee. “That dude with the tonfa interfered on her behalf, and that’s the all of it!”
Next to the two of them, Terrence Thompson smiled, finding it absolutely thrilling to be just a fan for one night. With Wendy in Florida for training with that overgrown bastard, Victor Mandrake, the thought of retreating to the RV and The Nest, and sleeping in his own bed with his wife not beside him, had simply been too much to bear. Since they were all heading to Las Vegas anyways, to watch Wendy and Victor compete in the WWA Tag Wars Tournament, Terrence had decided to make a week out of it. He, Theresa, Daniel, and Cassie had left for Chicago O’Hare immediately after the main event of Adrenaline, arriving in Vegas just in time to watch the sun rise. After spending most of Tuesday sleeping the jet lag off, the four of them began to embark on a week of luxury and vacation.
Interestingly enough, Pollaski had booked them two rooms at the Luxor, where incidentally, Sin City Wrestling was holding their weekly show. Since Valerie Belmont, Terrence’s opponent for the next week, also competed in the Las Vegas based promotion, they had decided that attending the Wednesday Night Wildcard show would be an excellent way to pass an evening, not to mention prove a valuable scouting opportunity.
Not that Terrence needed to scout Valerie, he mused. He had already faced her, just three weeks previous, and had emerged from that match the winner. Still, it never hurt to check out another promotion, and honestly, when he wasn’t facing them, the Belmont’s were fun as hell to watch.
He sat in the second row, on the aisle, wearing a nice (for once) button down printed shirt, and a black pair of slacks. Next to him sat his daughter, wearing a pink jumper, paying more attention to the ipod in her hand tham the action around her. On her right, was Pollaski, who was wearing a CWC t-shirt (which the WWA dedicated manager had altered to say 'Coalition of Worthless Cocksuckers'), who was talking to Cassie DeSlair over the various ins and outs of disqualifications.
So far, the show had been pretty good. Wasn’t quite on caliber with the action Adrenaline provided (of course), but the matches so far had been interesting, especially the Casino Street Fight, which had left all the fans on their feet cheering. And the second-row ringside seats were fantastic, offering a great view of all the action.
All in all, he just had one concern…
“You sure she’s okay?” Terrence asked Pollaski, beckoning to his daughter, sitting in the seat between the two men.
“Yeah, she’s having fun!” Pollaski yelled over the constant buzzing of the crowd. Realizing that Sin City Wrestling was a bit more… risqué than the average PWX card, the first idea was to leave Theresa and Cassie back in the hotel room. Cassie had agreed, but had obviously been disappointed, as the young woman had been trying to learn about the business she had become a part of. Pollaski came up with an idea- bring their portable media player, and Theresa could watch Barney on the player with headphones on, while the adults watched the show. Although Terrence had reservations, he had agreed. So far, it seemed to work out okay… Theresa had sat happily and quietly through the matches so far.
“Main event’s next” Pollaski announced, as the entire arena began to buzz in anticipation. “That’s Val and Jeremiah’s match.”
The ring introductions began, although the original ring announcer was cut off, and a man who claimed to be both the Sin City Champion and the General Manager did the introductions instead, although in an irritating way that insulted the contestants in the match.
“Champion of what?” Pollaski grumbled, as the rest of the crowd booed. “Being an annoying fuckwit?”
The three sat quietly through the first three teams, but when the music for the fourth team began Terrence, Daniel, and Cassie stood up and applauded their PWX brethren. Their applause slowly petered out as they realized they were the only ones cheering. In fact, the rest of the arena had broken into deafening boos, and several of the fans around them were staring at them like they were crazy.
Turning red, the three of them sat down quickly. "I thought the Belmont's were popular!" Cassie yelled over the jeers.
"They are in PWX..." Pollaski replied. "Must have rubbed someone the wrong way out here"
"I've never heard of being loved in place, and hated in another," Cassie said in confusion.
"Then you haven't been with us to Defiance yet," Pollaski snickered.
"Dude, what's your problem?" Terrence snapped at some reedy teenager who had been giving him the evil eye. While he doubted the kid recognized him, the young man snapped his head forward, realizing that Terrence was much bigger than him, and therefore not one to mess with. That kid wasn't the only one, either. Several other fans had been shooting them dirty glares since they had applauded the Belmonts.
"I don't like this," Terrence declared. It wasn't that he was afraid of any of the fans, but he didn't want to be getting into a brawl with one of them in front of his daughter.
Suddenly, Pollaski stood up, screaming "FUCK YOU, VALERIE, YOU RAG-LICKING DYKED UP PSYCHOBITCH!"
Pollaski triumphantly sat down, admist the horrified glares from Terrence and Cassie.
"What the hell is WRONG with you?" Terrence hissed.
"What? At least we blend in, now."
"Oh yeah," Terrence snapped, rolling his eyes. "Because yelling that won't draw attention to ourselves."
The match began, and Terrence noticed that Jeremiah was one of the first two to start, although it wasn't long before he attempted to tag his wife in, although the referee immediately forced Valerie back out.
"What?" Cassie was confused. "Why can't he tag her?"
"Its scramble style rules," Pollaski explained. "No tags. When someone wants out of the match, they just leave the ring, and anyone can take their place as the legal man. It's a faster paced style than a normal tag match, which is good when so many wrestlers are involved."
Sure enough, Jeremiah rolled under the bottom rope, and Valerie ran in, clobbering her opponent with a heel kick
"Like that," Pollaski explained with a smile.
Terrence watched quietly, observing. Valerie was doing a good job of keeping up the pressure with her kicks, although the man in the ring now had to be at least twice her size. Still, after being overpowered to begin with, she had taken the advantage on this giant as well. A couple seats over, Pollaski had taken up a running commentary for Cassie's benefit, explaining the tactics being employed by the various competitors, and answering her questions with way more patience than Daniel was known for exhibiting. Terrence shot a curious look at his manager. If he didn't know any better, he could swear Pollaski was...
A roaring of the crowd turned Terrence's attention back to the ring, and he saw Valerie rolling out for a rest, and another man planting his boot right in the larger wrestler's groin. "That can't be legal!" Cassie exclaimed, while the rest of the crowd booed loudly.
"It's not," Pollaski and Terrence groaned simultaneously, wincing at the poor man's pain.
Pollaski tried to explain. "In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the ref disquali- yup. They're out of the match, and have to leave the-"
Pollaski was cut off as the annoying ring announcer from earlier announced it was a no-disqualification match, drawing even louder boos. "Can he do that?" Cassie asked, incredulous.
"Yup" was all Pollaski responded.
There was a pause, as the action in the ring picked up again. "I don't think I like him," Cassie finally said.
"I don't think he cares." Pollaski responded with a chuckle.
It was an exciting match, Terrence felt, but a poor scouting opportunity, as there were just too many competitors to accurately gauge anyone's ability. As with most of these scramble-style matches, control began to break down. Valerie was now one of the two legal wrestlers, and had taken her opponent down with an impressive DDT that forced Terrence to take a mental note on things to look out for. He shook his head in disgust as another man snuck up behind Valerie, driving her into the mat with an absolutely brutal move, only to be pulled out of the ring by someone on the outside.
"Oh, you fucking LAZARUS!" Pollaski roared in surprise as the other legal wrestler immediately got to his feet, and hit a split legged moonsault on Val's prone form.
"Ah, crap." Terrence muttered as the referee counted to three. "That was the one thing I DIDN'T want happening."
"You're afraid that by taking the fall, she's disgraced the PWX?" Pollaski had to shout over the crowd as the two victors celebrated inside the ring.
"Hell no," Terrence said. "There's way too many variables in a match like that. But dude... she is gonna be PISSED."
Pollaski nodded. "Yeah, and we tend to not do so well when it comes to pissed off redheads. She's gonna be a little firecracker come Monday, that's for sure."
Terrence began to respond, but paused as he looked at the ring. The two victorious men were looking in his direction, and for a second, Terrence thought they recognized him, and were going to do some idiotic call out. Then the two men in front of him stood up. Even from behind, Terrence could tell that they were wrestlers, angry, and gearing up for a confrontation.
"Uh oh..." Pollaski said.
"Yeah, leaving time," Terrence quickly replied. If there was gonna be a brawl, his daughter wasn't going to be anywhere NEAR it. Picking up his daughter, he began to scootch up the stairs, Pollaski and Cassie following, while the crowd roared at the confrontation.
"That was actually pretty fun!" Cassie said brightly as they headed back towards the hotel.
"Yeah, who knows?" Pollaski said, "If Dane ever takes over the alliance, and kicks us out... I could see us being here..."
Twister chuckled, and looked back over his shoulder, as Theresa let out a monstrous yawn. "I'm happy with PWX... but who knows what the future may bring."
MAY 13, 2010
(Promo time!)
(Yup, we're still in Vegas, camped out up in the Luxor inside Terrence Thompson's hotel room. Terrence sits on the bed, and is now dressed in a "Las Vegas Speedway" T-shirt. From the looks of things, it is daytime, Thursday morning, to be exact. Next to Terrence, draped over the side of the bed, is his Next Generation title.)
Twister- "Well, for crying out loud, was that even fair?"
Twister- "If you think about it, four-post strap matches are essentially a race. Who can be the first to navigate their way around a ring, and complete a lap? And of course, when it comes to racing, its tough to beat the Twister."
(Unless of course, youre one of the fifteen guys who beat him in the ALMS point standings last year. But enough of that.)
Twister- "In all seriousness, you put up a hell of a fight, Jeremiah, it just wasn't your day. Good luck against Graves this week, and I'll tell you what, if Mercedes Morgan comes anywhere NEAR your match this week, I'll sic Pollaski on her!"
Twister- "But with that win, I am now one victory away from winning the May Madness tournament, and earning me a title shot at the Full Throttle Pay Per View. And who should I see in the bracket across from me? It's like deja vu here."
"So, Valerie, before we go any further, let me just say, on behalf of all the PWX... hell, on behalf of the entire human race, THANK YOU. The entire world has been waiting for.someone to make John Ojeda tap like a bitch, and you were just the girl to do it. So cogratulations on that, Valerie, and my hat's off to you."
(Terrence, smirking, makes a gesture as if he's tipping an invisible hat to his opponent)
Twister- "But that brings us to this week. Just like at High Stakes, you and I are to do battle, the Next Generation title on the line. Only this time, it's a Ladder Match, and the winner gets to face Jacob Wright at the end of the month. It's funny, but our situations seen to have been reversed this time around. I'm on a hot streak, but it is me who has to deal with travel woes this time around. Not to divulge a weakness to my enemy, but I hate airplanes. Not to get graphic here, but flying tends to do really nasty things to my digestive tract. And the fact that I'll have to fly from here to Chicago on Monday morning is sure as hell not going to be doing me any favors. But at least I'll get to watch my wife win the World Tag Team championships. It'll be worth it."
"As far as you go, Valerie, I think you're going to be a lot hungrier this time around. Last time, I was coming off a loss to Noah Hanson, and I desperately needed a win to get my career back on track. Now, I know you're not coming off a loss in the PWX, quite the contrary, you just pulled off one of the biggest wins of the year. But while I've been here in Vegas, I decided to check out a local show last night, held in this very hotel. So I saw what happened to you in SCW, and if I can very well guess you're going to be hot for redemption this week, no matter where you're wrestling. And besides, I am the last guy to beat you in the PWX ring, and that's going to just add fuel for the fire."
"But unfortunately, Valerie, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. None of that's going to matter. You still won't be able to beat me. You might be hungrier this time around, but you still won't be hungrier than I am. You may want this win. Hell, you may need this win as badly as you need to chug a Big Gulp of type-O negative every day, but I'll still want it more. This is why I'm back, Valerie. This is why, after a five year absence, I decided to lace my boots up again. The big matches; the main events. My name in lights on the marquee. It sure as hell wasn't to parade around with some secondary title. I want the PWX Championship. I want the WFWA World Championship."
"And who's going to stop me? My wife couldn't. Your husband couldn't. You couldn't stop me from beating you, and qualifying for this tournament, and you sure as hell won't be able to stop me from winning it all. Sorry Val, its nothing personal, but I've just gone too damn far for it to end this week. And besides, everyone knows, you just can't stop the Mechanical Mayhem."
(Terrence gets up, and walks towards the camera, looking to shut it off. As he does so, a knock at the door distracts him)
Twister- "Come in!"
(The door can be heard opening, and although no one walks into the camera frame, Cassie's voice is heard)
Cassie- "Terrence, you better come quick. Its Pollaski- he's overindulged."
Twister- "Alcohol? "
Cassie- "Breakfast buffet."
(From outside the room, a loud retching sound is heard.)
Pollaski- (moaning in pain) "Oh... god... hey, when did I have strawberries?"
(Terrence palms his face)
Twister- (resigned) "I'm coming..."
(Terrence walks out of the picture, and the door can be heard closing.)
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